

I have gotten to know Allison the last several years through the Pine Creek Cheer shoots.  She is am amazing cheerleader but I am super happy for her that she decided to just take it easy and enjoy her senior year sans cheer.  (But sad for the cheer team!) Allison is amazing and sweet and loves playing with kiddos.  If the future of America is going to fall into anyone's hands, it should be hers!!  (Speaking of America, her super cool brother, Jake, is protecting our country by serving in the Marines now!  So so so proud of him!)  

2017 pine creek varsity cheer team

The Pine Creek Cheer team got a new coach this year.  (Congratulations to Coach Bonnie who had a bouncing baby boy who she is staying home with!)  I had a lot of fun with the new coach, Dana, planning this shoot.  Her enthusiasm and apparent love for the girls is sweet to see.  I didn't think anyone could compare with Bonnie but she has proven me wrong.  We went with a plaid/camping theme and got to shoot at THE most beautiful property of one of the cheerleaders.  Seriously.  22 acres.  A pond.  Endless trees.  A Campfire.  And GOATS!  OMG LOVVVVEEED the goats!

Good luck this year girls!  Be kind, be social, and knock 'em dead!

Class of 2017 Spokesmodels~ Graduation Day

I can't believe their graduation day is a (not so) distant memory!  I remember my graduation day like it was yesterday.  I would give anything to have some pictures like these in my cap and gown. I love that we were able to incorporate their caps and gowns.  I also love that 4 different High Schools were represented!  Pine Creek, Palmer Ridge, Air Academy, and Lewis Palmer.  I just adore these High School Grads!

Class of 2017 Spokesmodels~ College Bound

Each year I get super excited to see where each and every one of my seniors heads off to college.  (I get equally excited for trade schools and gap years!!  I mean, come on!   A year to recover before you head off on another adventure?  Yes please!)  This year we had some really cool, random schools I haven't had seniors head to before including University of Chicago and Arkansas!  I love to live vicariously through my seniors as they head off to what will hopefully be the funnest four years of their lives.  Best of luck to each of you!!