Miss Sarah~ Colorado Springs Senior Photographer

We met Sarah in the most unconventional way.  About a year and a half ago her High School had Carter be a special guest at their football game.  It was such a fun experience for the entire family!  Addilyn, at the ripe old age of 4, fell in love with the "pompom girls".  Sarah happened to be one of the famed "pompom girls" and she quickly took my little cutie under her wing.  Addi cheered with them for the rest of the night. I'm pretty sure she thought the entire crown was cheering JUST for her.  We haven't let Sarah out of our sight since.  She's been an involved member of our family, including birthday parties, babysitting, and chatting into the late hours of the night.  I don't think she will ever know the influence she has had on my kiddos, but especially Addi. colorado springs beautiful senior girl Colorado Springs Cutie Senior sarahbw