This woman is a fighter, to say the least. She has been battling cancer for NINE years. NINE! She's had breast, liver, brain, and... shoot... one more... dang! I'll remember... give me a few minutes. While we were on our respite week up in Breckenridge the head Domus Pacis woman asked me to do a photo shoot of Debbie. Debbie was visiting her sweet sister, Barb, for the week and they were put up in what I can only imagine was a wonderful space to enjoy a week long, much needed vacation. The entire shoot I just imagined going through this with my sister.... watching her suffer the way I'm sure Debbie has.... and wow. What an overwhelming thought. She was nothing but positive and a complete pleasure to be around. Her wig looked SO awesome that when I answered the door I couldn't tell which one was wearing the wig. She was beautiful inside and out and I will be forever grateful for being able to document this trying time in her life. I wish her a long life of recovery and HAIR!
- I think she is laughing here because I asked her which of her 3 sisters is her favorite.
And of course I still can't remember the 4th... I'm so lame. But, she's amazing. And anyone lucky enough to know her has been blessed!